According to the All Saints’ archives, that first organizational meeting was held on October 5, 1977, with 13 present. Two other meetings
took place before the first service on October 30, 1977.
The original 13 founding members of All Saints’ included: Abby & Victor Montenyohl, Carl & Bea Spencer, Chuck & Butch Armour, Nancy Wilds,
Catherine Arbuthnot, Alice Wilder, Bob Taylor, Grayson Haynes, Bill Nightingale, and Louise Stribling.
The Altar and pulpit have quite a history. They date to 1750 at the Church of St. Michael in Sandwich, Kent, England. When the church was
closed in the 1970’s, the Altar and pulpit were removed and made their way to Savannah, Ga., where they were found by Nancy Wilds who
arranged for their purchase. A plaque on the side of the Altar lists the names in whose memory the Altar was dedicated.
The stained glass windows, created by Nancy Wilds, were installed in the Church during October 1982. Some months later, a protected covering
was also installed for the windows.
The brick parking area in front of the church and Parish House was done in 1983 by the Women of the Church. In May and June, the ladies put
themselves to a task that the men said couldn’t be done and the finished product is a tribute to their tireless effort and skill. A lot of
credit goes to Betty Christenson and Sara Wood, among many, who took on the challenge of solving a muddy problem and left a lasting monument.
Fairfield House is one of the oldest houses in Aiken. City records indicate it was built between 1845 and 1850. At one time it served as a free
school, later the home of a barber, Alva Carroll, then a guest house and an art gallery before being acquired by All Saints’.